Thinking and Writing as an English Teacher – 18th Lesson

Rampant ambition is addictive to those who practise it



ph. credit: flickrdotcom


“L’ambizione sfrenata crea dipendenza in coloro che la praticano”



Thinking and Writing as an English Teacher – 17th Lesson

You cannot write in a dignified manner if you have not fed and are not feeding more than abundantly on good reading

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Thinking and Writing as an English Teacher – 6th Lesson

“Media and real life overexposing is like taking a photo by using a too strong flash: the only thing we get is a blurry picture”





Translating into Italian:

“Sovraesporsi mediaticamente e nella vita reale è come farsi fotografare usando un flash troppo forte; ottenendo, come unica conseguenza, un’immagine sfocata.”

Thinking and Writing as an English Teacher – 4th Lesson

“People say that Time is a Gentleman.
That’s true. Time reveals what is really under the most gorgeous and richest fabric      drape”



photo by Lucia Guida

Translating into Italian:

” Si dice che il Tempo sia  galantuomo.

E’ vero. Il tempo rivela ciò che il drappo di  tessuto più elegante e opulento realmente nasconde “